Recruitment & Training

We have worked with a number of organisations over the years who have benefited from our expertise in this field. Recently in 2017, we facilitated the recruitment and training of a small number of dynamic staff (16) to work as volunteers at Royal Greenwich and Royal Arsenal Tall Ship sites on the river Thames. They had a multi-functional role which was integral to the operational management of the ships, captains, hospitality and events. As part of this work we delivered in-house training in a formal setting as well as 'on the job' mentoring.

In 2016, we recruited 140 volunteers to assist with multiple roles at a Tall Ships event in the North East of England. The roles ranged: ship liaison, technical liaison (Marine), tourism, hospitality and events. As you can imagine the selection process was a challenge with over 640 applicants. 220 of those participated in a half day Preparation Training Event, designed and delivered by us, 70 completed their DBS clearance certificates and 40 qualified in NVQ level 1 (Tourism), all this was achieved within a 7 month timescale.

We do not confess to be able to achieve miracles and it is always nice to have an infinite amount of time but we have to be realistic in our, and ultimately your expectations. If we are asked to complete a piece of work on your behalf we will be honest and plot an achievable time line with key markers and way points. We have the experience, knowledge, skill, drive, commitment and enthusiasm to achieve your goals and where we can enhance the outcomes.

For question or advice contact Lesley today on +44 (0)7879 630 516   alternatively    1  email the office. We will answer your query as soon as we can

Blue Storm Events Office address: 15 Merchant House Quaside Hartlepool TS24 0WA | Office Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 09:00 - 17:00 GMT

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